Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

Stop Smoking !


What do U want to know about STOP SMOKING?

What do you know what happen with your body when you stop smoking ? Someone who smoked since many years ago seringkali thinked, their body are too bad to give an advantage from stopping their smoke kebiasaan. WRONG ! Look at this leaflet to know how fast your body become healthy, better and better, day to day.


Only think about stop smoking may be make you doubtful. Stop to smoke will be done if you are ready. Before you effort to stop, beginning with this five important step! START :

S = Set a quit date,
Choose the date surely, better in 2 weeks before. If you smoke during work, stop it in week end or along your vacancy.
Remember, trying to erase your smoking desire better than try nothing!
T = Tell,
Tell your planning to your family, friends, and teman sekerja. Tell this to your friends can reduce your cigarettes, day to day with giving it to them or membuangnya. Tell to others too, how they can help you and tell you something to do.
A = Anticipate,
Estimate and plan the threats you must hadapi while you try to stop smoking. Be aware with the trigger make you back to smoke. Plan, how to mengatasi your desire to smoke before you attack by them. Think that smoking is too dangerous for your lovely family. Try what you want to say if some body give you a cigarette. Making your enjoy life with new style, life without cigarette.
R = Remove,
Take away cigarettes, or any kind of tobacco from home, car and your office. Make everything clean and fresh free from cigarette and korek api. Clean your teeth from cigarette’s plaque.
T = Talk,
Talk to your doctor how to get a help to stop smoking. Believe that they can answer to your every questions and give you some good advice. So you can smoothly to stop smoking !

To be continued with other topics : What happen while you stop smoking?
Created and some adopted from Center of Health Behavior and Promotion work with Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical Faculty of Gadjah Mada University.

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