Selasa, 17 November 2009

Dengan mudahnya teknologi internet di akses, maka semakin banyak pengguna teknologi ini asyik berkutak-kutik dan mengeksplor semua isi internet. Memang, sekarang dengan mengetikkan satu atau lebih kata kunci, informasi yang akan kita cari dengan mudahnya tersedia. Pangsa pasar internet ini tidak hanya kaum pria loh.... para wanita, ibu-ibu khususnya pasti juga banyak...tidak hanya sekedar pengen mencari info, tetapi mereka justru telah menggunakan fasilitas ini untuk mencari penghasilan tambahan bahkan sebagai sumber mata pencarian utama. Nah..masalahnya sekarang adalah karena saking asyiknya di depan komputer....lupa deh sama anaknya (nggak semua sih) dan lupa akan memperhatikan kecantikan diri. Hal ini sering terjadi karena aktivitas yang mereka lakukan hanya duduk di rumah saja dan tidak memerlukan berdandan untuk keluar rumah (ya nggak?). Segala kebutuhan keuangan dilakukan melalui internet banking, transaksi belanja juga gampang tinggal order langsung kirim deh....wah! Apa ya akibatnya ke depan?
Belum ada penelitian mengenai hubungan kelamaan di depan komputer dengan kecantikan. Bisa jadi karena menjalankan bisnis sukses trus tambah cantik loh, seperti yang dilakukan beberapa orang di link ini coba aja dilihat.

Minggu, 26 Agustus 2007

Vulvovaginal Candidiasis

What is Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and what are the predisposition factor ?
Presence of organism included genus Candida through the body called Candidiasis or Candidosis. The common places of Candida sp. presence are mouth, anorectal tract, reproductal tract and nail. So, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis mean the presence of Candida sp in the reproductal tract especially in the vulva or vagina. Particularly transmission is direct contact men to men, higher in an active sexually group.
Infection sources are gastrointestinal tract, relapsing or sexual transmission. About 20% of men who partnered with a woman relapsing infected candidiasis vaginal shows candida’s colonization in their penis, especially in a man without circumcision, in the coronal sulcus (usually asymptomatic); 4x more in man who have an infected woman couple than not.
Actually, woman have natural defense mechanism, like humoral system, fagocytosis, imunity cell mediated and particularly vaginal floral

Predisposition Factor are :
§ Pregnancy. Because during pregnancy, woman vaginal shows an increasing susceptible to infection of Candida sp. , so vaginal colonization prevalence and symptomatic vaginitis will keep increasing, especially in the third trimester of a woman pregnant. The expected, estrogen increase Candida’s adhering to the vaginal epithel and directly increasing the yeast virulency.
§ Oral Contraception raising estrogen in the blood.
§ Diabetes Mellitus makes higher colonization frequency (become a predisposition factor if under controls).
§ Antibiotics. Vulvovaginal Candidiasis symptomatic presence often occur during oral systemic antibiotics using particularly broad spectrum antibiotics like tetracycline, ampicillin and cephalosporin because the elimination of protective vaginal bacteria like lactobacillus.
§ Others are stretch clothes and nylon underwear increased perineal humidity and term.

Stop Smoking !


What do U want to know about STOP SMOKING?

What do you know what happen with your body when you stop smoking ? Someone who smoked since many years ago seringkali thinked, their body are too bad to give an advantage from stopping their smoke kebiasaan. WRONG ! Look at this leaflet to know how fast your body become healthy, better and better, day to day.


Only think about stop smoking may be make you doubtful. Stop to smoke will be done if you are ready. Before you effort to stop, beginning with this five important step! START :

S = Set a quit date,
Choose the date surely, better in 2 weeks before. If you smoke during work, stop it in week end or along your vacancy.
Remember, trying to erase your smoking desire better than try nothing!
T = Tell,
Tell your planning to your family, friends, and teman sekerja. Tell this to your friends can reduce your cigarettes, day to day with giving it to them or membuangnya. Tell to others too, how they can help you and tell you something to do.
A = Anticipate,
Estimate and plan the threats you must hadapi while you try to stop smoking. Be aware with the trigger make you back to smoke. Plan, how to mengatasi your desire to smoke before you attack by them. Think that smoking is too dangerous for your lovely family. Try what you want to say if some body give you a cigarette. Making your enjoy life with new style, life without cigarette.
R = Remove,
Take away cigarettes, or any kind of tobacco from home, car and your office. Make everything clean and fresh free from cigarette and korek api. Clean your teeth from cigarette’s plaque.
T = Talk,
Talk to your doctor how to get a help to stop smoking. Believe that they can answer to your every questions and give you some good advice. So you can smoothly to stop smoking !

To be continued with other topics : What happen while you stop smoking?
Created and some adopted from Center of Health Behavior and Promotion work with Center for Bioethics and Medical Humanities, Medical Faculty of Gadjah Mada University.